We Are More Than Our Mistakes by Lance Fulse

In the Human Resources profession, we are all familiar with discipline policies and the various levels of discipline administered based on the violation.  We do our best to make sure discipline is applied consistently throughout the organization.  On occasion HR professionals have received calls from Managers or Supervisors who want to terminate an employee, and in some cases, they have no supporting documentation.  We do our best to explain why this is not the best option.  We tell them moving forward  document the violation and advise the employee on the expectations and what could happen if the violations continue.  Does this always work, no.  And have we proceeded with the termination, yes?  We can only do so much in our roles as Christian HR  professionals by providing coaching in these situations.  We give counsel to management while also extending a listening ear to the employee.  

It is very important as Christian HR  professionals that we coach Managers and Supervisors on the fact that applause and a job well done should be applied more frequently than discipline.  There have been times in my career where I was called by an executive team member to advise me of a mistake that our HR team had made.  I thanked them for bringing it to my attention, but I also reminded them that it is also important to call me the 99 times we got it right.  Mistakes can devastate departments because the nature of people is to keep count of the wrongs.  Then you find yourself trying to do the next big thing, so they will not remember your past errors.  It seems like you are trying to overturn a death sentence.  Unfortunately, some people live by the phrase “you’re only as good as your last mistake.”  It is always difficult when you are trying to please man. 

When I say we are more than our mistakes, that does not mean we are not accountable for the mistakes we make.  We certainly need to accept responsibility for our actions. Of course, we all make mistakes in our professional and personal lives.  I do my best to learn from them and move forward applying the necessary adjustments or corrections. Have your ever tried to move on from a mistake, but when you try to move on others cannot or they constantly remind you of the mistake?  On the other hand, sometimes we do not forgive ourselves for making the mistake, and we become miserable.  One thing I know about human nature is we tend to remind people of the bad things more frequently than we do the good deeds.  Like I said earlier, it appears we keep a count of the bad things.  How often have you had a discussion, disagreement or argument with a spouse, sibling, parent, or a supervisor on a totally different subject but somehow all your previous mistakes are brought up in this conversation? (#guilty) Unfortunately, that is the way people look at things, focusing on negativity instead of positivity.  It is in our nature, human nature.  Man will always find fault with you, but I am learning not to be pleasers of men, but a servant of Christ.  The rest will fall into place.

I do not believe any of us like to make mistakes or to be reminded of them, but sometimes it is necessary for growth.  Hebrews 12: 6 states, “The Lord chastises (corrects) the ones he loves and disciplines those he calls his own.”  Thank God for being called his own.  I read a quote that says “we all make mistakes, have struggles and even regret things in our past.  But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.”  It is how we recover from the mistakes that make us the people we are.  We have made some mistakes, have some regrets.  Do not let those past mistakes define you.  Allow yourself to live beyond the past.  It is like driving a car, if you are moving forward and looking backwards more than likely you are going to crash.  Get beyond the mistake, pass it, rear-view it and then accelerate.  Philippians 3: 12-14 says, “Not that I have reached my goal or that I am perfect; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.  Brothers and sisters, I do not feel that I have already arrived, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.  I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.

We are more than our mistakes.  We cannot allow ourselves, our employers or anyone to keep us in bondage because of our past mistakes or sins.  This will steal our joy and peace.  We are no longer held captive to them.  If you find yourself burdened down with your mistakes, take them to the altar and leave them there.  You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.  God often uses imperfect, ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Walk in your greatness.  You are more than your mistakes, because you are connected to the One who gave his life as ransom so you can be free of them.   Jesus paid the price for our sins a long time ago and in him forgiveness is found.  He is not counting the wrongs; he wipes the slate clean. 

Lamentations 3:22-23 says “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” I Encourage you to Live Life Abundantly Each Day!


Ella Kimbrel