A Revival by Andrea Williams

A Revival is defined as “an improvement in the condition or strength of something.” 

As we have moved through this COVID experience, I have realized that I need Revival often.  I need renewed strength and an improvement in my mental condition.  I identify myself as a Christian and therefore recognize that I get my strength and purpose from Jesus.  I believe my path is directed and ordered by God.  I know all of this, but I also am weak and unprepared for all that happens in life. I should be full of strength and conditioned….

But… but what about when my team is at their wits end, what about when you can’t see your family members for too long, what about when people lose their jobs and you can’t stop it, but what about…..?

I have been down during these months.  I have struggled.  I have been depressed.  I never forgot I was a Christian, but I didn’t seek REVIVAL.  I didn’t go to THE source for strength. Without the routine of church, in-person bible study, and children’s ministry classes, I didn’t get my personal Revival that I had come to depend on.  I turned to my HR knowledge to get me through.  My HR knowledge was important, but it did not provide the strength I needed.  We all need to be careful to keep our HR knowledge current and at hand but also to keep our Spiritual knowledge current and closer at hand. 

We are HR professionals and Christians; they are intertwined NOT exclusive.  We are here for our employees, our leaders, and our companies to provide ALL OF our gifts and strengths.  We are here to pray; in our prayer closets and out loud with those in need.  We are here to be that light.  It might sound cliché, but it isn’t.  I came to know Jesus when I was 32.  You want to know where I “found him”?  At work... at two different companies there were two  specific colleagues that were not afraid to share the message of Jesus. At first, they were just friends who listened and helped me when I needed something.  Slowly they offered Jesus as a solution, and slowly I accepted it.  ALL OF that time I was an HR professional.  ALL OF that time I worked with them both on difficult issues such as terminations and discrimination.  Our faith didn’t interfere, it strengthened us.  They were showing me that I could be a Christian at work, that I could have Revival at work, that I could improve my condition and gain strength and still be an HR professional and a leader. 

I invite you to find your Revival.  There are amazing pod casts that you can listen to on your way to work, while you take your walk in the morning or evening, while you brush your teeth.  The You Version ap has a great Story everyday that includes a scripture and a quick video and prayer.  If you are comfortable, you can find a church that is open.  If you are comfortable, you can have a bible study at work (with the approval of appropriate leadership if required).  This past weekend I attended a Sisterhood Conference IN PERSON for two hours.  It was the best two hours I have had in a long time.  It was my Revival and pointed me back to Jesus, my source of strength.  My hope is that, in reading this blog post, Jesus uses me to point you back to Jesus, your source Strength so you can continue sharing  His Strength at work.  God just may use you  to show that 32-year-old the way to Jesus.  “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6

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