HR - Healthy Heart and Mind by Lance Fulse

“How do they expect me to feed my family” “I didn’t do anything wrong.” “What should I do now?” I have received this call from more than one former employee who was terminated.  My normal response was, “Let’s discuss a plan on how to move forward.”  These types of conversations were the most difficult for me to manage as my heart was sad and breaking for the former employees who were angry, afraid and in despair.  My heart was somber because I felt there was another option other than termination, but I didn’t have the authority to override the decision.  I often think of those employees, and I wonder what they are doing now.  I still feel those emotions when I think about them and their families.

In Human Resources we experience a range of emotions based on what our employees are experiencing in addition to our own personal life events.  We rejoice and celebrate life when an employee comes into HR with their newborn to add on their insurance.  We celebrate when two hearts meet as one when a recently married couple submit name change information.  We are also empathetic when the name change is a result of divorce.  Our hearts grieve when an employee dies or loses one of their family members.  You name the situation, and HR has felt it and dealt with it.  We get frustrated at times when our recommendations aren’t listened to, when we clearly recognize why morale is low or how a policy should be changed.  We make suggestions that get ignored and often wonder why we are here. You would think we were the subject matter experts on HR related issues. (gees) It can become overwhelming and exhausting.

That is why it is very important that we as Christian HR professionals realize how valuable are our hearts and minds.  We often have the weight of everyone’s emotions weighing on our hearts and in and out of our heads. We become psychologists, accountants, lawyers, teachers, peacemakers, career planners, detectives, referees, coaches, counselors, and my favorite - daycare workers.  Everyone seems a little more on edge during this time of pandemic, and we must balance our own personal issues along with the concerns of the company.  If we are not careful, our lives can get overloaded with the cares of others so much that we might need a jolt from a defibrillator.   

One of my favorite scriptures is “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23).  Often, I believe that HR is the heart of every company, and it is the responsibility of the HR professional(s) to make sure it beats properly.  How do we guard our hearts, and why is that important? How do we stop our minds from racing at the end of the day and in the middle of the night? Isaiah 26:3 states “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”  These are two powerful scriptures, but how do we put those scriptures into action? 

How does the Christian HR professional keep a healthy heart and mind? Let me tell you what works for me.   Five days out the week I take a walk and I talk with God. I “cast all my cares on the Lord for I know He cares for me.” (I Peter 5:7) I often listen to praise and worship music during this walk, and I pray getting myself ready for the day.  I have recently started listening to audible books and that helps to relax my mind.  I would suggest Wrapped in Rain by Charles Martin if you are  an audible book fan.

As much as I love talking to God and having that alone worship time, I also benefit from talking to another Christian HR professional... a person you can let your hair down with or in my case pick out my mini afro. The ability to share with another Christian who is not judging you, and who understands we are all flawed but forgiven, is priceless.  We all need one or two of those people in our lives.  This process of sharing has been a major blessing in my life. 

In closing, having a healthy heart and mind is essential in the HR environment.  Our hearts and minds must be taken care of so we can ultimately show the love of the Father in all we do. I hope I have encouraged you to live life abundantly today.(Philippians 4:6-7)Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.  Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.


Ella Kimbrel