Simply Grateful by Lance Fulse

“I have had some good days and I have had some hills to climb.  I have had some weary days and some sleepless night, but when I look around and think things over, all of my good days outweigh my bad days, and I won’t complain.”  Those words are from a song that I have sung on a few occasions.  It reminds me to really examine how good God has been to me before I allow the things that I do not have, that I do not like or the things that I lack take over my thoughts.    When this happens,  we can find  ourselves in a dark place.  How difficult is it for us to be grateful?

During this Thanksgiving season I find myself reflecting on this previous year and my life.  I think of friends and family who have lost jobs and have lost loved ones.  I think of some of my fellow Christian HR professionals who have been displaced or have been furloughed.  I also think about the Christian HR professional who had to tell their employees that they no longer have jobs.  I have seen and heard so many stories about one tragedy or misfortune after another.  The divisive language and actions that pit brother against brother which also causes racial tensions creating an environment of fear and hostility.  How do we find a way to be grateful amid all the chaos that is surrounding us?  All the hurt, all the loss, all the fear, all the hate, how can  we give thanks when we can barely breathe through what  we  are experiencing?  What do  we have to be grateful for?

Let me first say I am empathetic.  Now I have been through some things that I thought were unnecessary and were way too much to carry all by myself.  I have been in a place where I did not want to give thanks or feel simply grateful.  Ten years ago, when our son was stillborn, I felt like I wanted to give up.  I had my days of depression, days of anger, and why me, but I was doing my best to show up for my family each day.  I realized that my best was not good enough and I had to do better. Instead of focusing on the things I did not have or the loss that we experienced, I had to focus on the things that I did have.  Trust me that is easier said than done, because it is so much easier to allow the disappointments to monopolize our hearts and minds.  I realize that I could not do it on my own, and I had to really rely on the Goodness of God and his word.  Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  I had to repeat that to myself more than once.  I also spoke into my life 1 Thessalonians 5:18 which says, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  Trust me, I know it is not easy when  we are feeling hopeless and nothing seems to be going our way.  Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning light (Psalm 30:5).  We’re  not sure how long our night may last but developing an attitude of gratitude will help  us reach our joy sooner.  How do we change our mindset?  How do  we focus on the good things in  our  lives when the bad ones are so prevalent?  We take it one day at a time.

When our mind only wants to concentrate on the negative things in our  lives,  we can challenge it with the good and focus on those things.  We can reframe our present and start appreciating where  we are right now.  We can have gratitude in the moment regardless of what it looks like or what  we are going through.  It is ok to add the word but behind the negative thought like this, “I had a flat tire this morning, but I am grateful it was not all three.”  It is a strategic mind shift that  all of us might find difficult to do in the moment.  I am not saying that this will always be our response, but only focusing on the bad  does not allow us to notice the good.  When  we can find gratitude in the present moment, it can change how  we think about our current circumstances and our attitude moving forward.

Now each day is different, and some days we will struggle and go through somethings that are not pleasant, but I realize that each day God grants me new mercies every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  I am alive today, and I can see those brand-new mercies.  So when I woke up this morning, I praised and thanked the Lord for another day’s journey.  I thanked him for my family and my friends.  I thanked him for food and shelter.  I do not take  these things for granted because not everyone can say that.  I surround myself with positive people who pour joy and wisdom in my life.  These are the people who will help  us see the goodness that encompasses us each day during a time that seems so dark.  We know life is filled with tragedy, heartache, misfortune, and hard times, but it is also filled with love, hope, joy, and perseverance.  

If you cannot find a reason to be grateful let me give you one.  John 3:16 it says,  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  In this scripture God gives us a choice to believe.   Being “Simply Grateful” is also a choice.  The choice is up to you.  Like the old hymn says, “Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say it is well, with my soul.” I encourage you to live life abundantly each day as you choose to be simply grateful.

Ella Kimbrel